Pamela Colman Smith
Madge Gill
by Andrea J Miles
This extremely enlightening, well researched and written text delves into the lives of Pamela Colman Smith and Madge Gill, two distinctive women from the Victorian era.
However, this isn’t just ‘another biography.’
The author examines the astrological facets to the lives of Pamela and Madge, offering natal charts and astro-snippets galore. This book is scribed as uniquely as the women upon which it focuses, one of the reasons I found it so fascinating. That, and the myriad of information included, offering a window into family trees, childhood, personal and professional lives. The addition of photographs and document copies compliment the narrative brilliantly, and for someone like myself who revels in the nitty gritty details, this book hard to put down.
An insightful peek into the extraordinary lives of two female trailblazers, delicately scrutinising not only their successes but also their woes, a must read for anyone interested in the celestial and tangible stories behind Pamela and Madge.